Social Media Networks: Open VS Closed Communities

Katherine Heil
4 min readSep 6, 2020
Closed Social Networks
Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

A popular topic of discussion among individuals across generations is the use of social media and the effect it has on the world. The internet can be seen as a ruthless place where lies are spread and time disappears but there are also a number of benefits one can receive by participating. From a professional standpoint, social media is the easiest — and likely the cheapest — way to reach an unlimited amount of people. In fact, 84% of people with access to the internet use social media, about 50% of the global population. For individuals, social media is a way to connect with the world in just a few clicks of a button. While each person may have a different motive for using social platforms, it is safe to say most would fall into one of two categories on a regular basis — seeking entertainment or researching things to buy. Recently, a shift has occurred where individuals are spending more time sharing and communicating through messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, the 3rd and 4th biggest social platforms respectively. As more consumers seek more privacy online, it is important to consider the pros and cons of the changing social landscape and how we as digitals strategists can adapt.

Open Networks


  1. Access: The amount of information shared on social media is remarkable. An open social network is the most inclusive place to be as anyone and everyone can see and share information with ease.
  2. Reach: Brands have access to everyone and can target the exact market they want to tap into. With 3.8 billion people on social media, the odds are stacked in a business’ favor to be active on social media.
  3. Community: The ability to create a connection and build a community online is the reason social media is here to stay. Open networks allow people to find other people that are just like them.


  1. Cyberbullying: We’ve all seen the keyboard warriors and trolls in the comments on social media. The ability to share information freely opens the door to heated debates among friends and strangers alike who think their opinion is superior.
  2. Misinformation: While unlimited access to information is definitely a positive attribute to open social networks, it also allows for misinformation to be spread. With most people lacking digital literacy this causes false information to spread quickly.
  3. Algorithms: Naturally, the more people online, the more people you have to compete with to be seen on someone’s timeline. Open social networks have created algorithms on the backend that can prevent people from ever seeing the posts you share. If you’re curious, this article from Later explains how the new Instagram algorithm works and how to work it.

Closed Networks


  1. Community: Each individual’s social media account has a unique community curated by the user but a closed social network allows for an even great sense of community.
  2. Engagement: Due to the nature of closed networks, they have higher engagement rates within the group. This is likely due to users feeling more comfortable and the ability to share their thoughts without being judged.
  3. Niche: Closed networks are great so sharing specific information or connecting people with common interests. They provide smaller ecosystems of community within the confines of the broader social media communities.


  1. Misinformation: Just as misinformation can spread on open networks, closed networks have seen an increase in users’ sharing false information and fake news more rapidly. The downside to this is that it is harder to control the spread in private conversations.
  2. Exclusive: While some may consider the exclusivity of a closed network a benefit, it can also be seen as a disadvantage when trying to expand or reach those users.
  3. Echo Chamber: A closed network is not likely to have varying points of view or opinions which can create a one-sided argument that diminishes the value of having an open dialogue with those in opposition. When the majority opinion is shared in a group, the minority will not speak up in fear of isolation or judgment. This article from Pew Research explains the Spiral of Silence Theory on Social Media more directly.

After comparing the pros and cons of both open and closed social networks, where do you see the future of social media going? In my opinion, the use of closed discussions groups will continue to expand but not outpace the open networks the majority of social media users currently participate in. The benefits of both provide different opportunities for engagement and each can be utilized in a strategic way to reach the most amount of individuals in one place at the same time.



Katherine Heil

Digital Strategy Grad Student @ UF | Retail + Marketing Professional | Fashion Merchandising Management, BS